Thursday, December 24, 2009


I have a theory that many of these mood disorders are just a product of this lonely, dehumanizing, chaotic, mass conformist society.
Whenever you ask a psychiatrist what causes these mental problems, what response do you get? "They don't know yet" isn't a very good answer but it's one I keep hearing. Neuroscience has proven that every one's brain is unique, making them act the way they do. There are three styles of learning. Visual, Auditory and kinesthetic. Some people learn fast. Some people learn slow. There are emotional people, and there are logical people. And in all of these distinctions, some people function on a greater magnitude then others. Great measures are taken to make everyone act the same. But there are always a rare few that behave differently from the collective. I went to a meeting for depression and anxiety once. There was more discussions on medication then anything else. It's like how they keep coming close to a cure for cancer but they always need ten more years for research. Bull shit I say. 'To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. They found the cure for cancer years ago. But they're loaded rich from researching. When the cure is found the funding stops. The science of behavior has many theories as to why different people act the way they do. But the public is rarely informed about it. Of course they can say it's a chemical imbalance. But what causes chemical imbalance? They fail to mention chemical imbalances in the brain can occur naturally from stress, lack of exercise and poor diet. Maybe that's why it's so hard for your brain to make those "feel good" chemicals. It doesn't need selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It needs exercise. If it's one thing I've noticed about western medicine, it's that people react after the fact. People live shitty lifestyles and then get treated for health problems. Right away, before asking any questions or running any tests, they get drug treatments.
Modern society is the real problem. It fucks with peoples heads big time. Bad parenting fucked me up. The school system fucked me up. The media definitely fucked me up. And the erosion of empathy drove it all home. I needed people to help me more than other kids did. Teachers gave me hell for not being able to keep up the pace. The Simpson's taught me more about life then my parents. Since I'm a visual learner, I'm more vulnerable to visual distractions. Useless information was fed to me everyday without any choice in the matter. I couldn't develop my brain normally by learning and experiencing things on my own. I wasn't born autistic. The world made me that way. It runs in my family because we are mostly visual people. My brother got lucky because he's an auditory learner. He's excellent at following the rules set out for him.

Examples of propaganda:
"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimate that the incidence of learning disabilities in the general population is 15 to 20 percent. Fifty-one percent of all the students enrolled in the nation's special education programs are classified as learning disabled (U.S. Department of Education)." Unfortunately, this diagnosis is often viewed as a hindrance rather than an opportunity for growth and understanding.
Parents and students, please note: Individuals diagnosed with learning disabilities are not "stupid." In fact, to qualify as having a learning disability, you must have average intelligence. This means that you have to be at least a little bit smart. Types of Learning Styles Students that have learning disabilities have one commonality, a processing deficit that interferes with their learning. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that every individual learns differently and thus has a unique learning style. "Approximately 20 to 30 percent of the school-aged population remembers what is heard; 40 percent recalls well visually the things that are seen or read; many must write or use their fingers in some manipulative way to help them remember basic facts; other people cannot internalize information or skills unless they use them in real-life activities such as actually writing a letter to learn the correct format." (Teaching Students to Read Through Their Individual Learning Styles, Marie Carbo, Rita Dunn, and Kenneth Dunn; Prentice-Hall, 1986, p.13.) For some, auditory input is most valuable; others rely upon a visual style. Still others learn through kinesthetic means, or a combination of the three. Every person has one primary learning mode. Once you identify that mode, you can learn to maximize it and enhance your child's education."

"In the U.S., more than 3.2 million patients are diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression. Typically, patients have tried several medications and treatments without success or improvement." That's because they've all been proven to be shit. There's been many documented cases of people getting worse from prescription medications passed by the FDA as safe. You must keep in mind that they make money from people being sick. And if everyone in America was full health and vitality, there would be allot less people making billions.
In an article of Science Daily, the Medical University of South Carolina is running some new tests on how to treat patients. "Bilateral epidural prefrontal cortical stimulation (EpCS) was found generally safe and provided significant improvement of depressive symptoms in a small group of patients. Five patients were implanted with EpCS over the anterior frontal poles and the lateral prefrontal cortex bilaterally. Four separate paddle leads were then connected to two small generators surgically implanted in the upper chest area of the patient. The researchers individualized the treatment parameters for each patient to maximize the long-term antidepressant effects. They relied in part on input from the patients themselves who signaled positive mood changes when first stimulated. In general, their devices were set to periodically deliver electrical charges at intensities below the seizure threshold."
Isn't it great that they keep coming up with new ways to treat us for our suffering? Freud and Josef Breuer saw neurotic symptoms like hysteria as a means for the unconscious mind to express itself. Is our society really more accepting of people who are different? Or is it accepting they're different, while giving them no other alternative, then trying to be as 'normal' as possible. In the 50's, when that pesky frontal lobe acted up, (responsible for motor skills, creativity and emotional reactions) they would just give you a frontal lobotomy. Thankfully activist groups rallied against it. I cried when I saw the end of "one flew over the coco's nest", knowing that it was based on a true story. Anyone seen as having a mental breakdown was simply taken away by the cops, and then got chunks of their brains removed.Who needs emotions in this kind of society right? Human needs and desires get in the way of progress. It's horrifying, to be aware of how much America has changed after Nazi Germany. I think the government learned from Hitlers reign how to have more power over people. Not by force but through mind control.

I read a psychology book from the 60's (the name escapes me) about the modern world's effect on the human mind. The author stated that, in America at the time, Youngsters had a greater chance of ending up in a mental hospital then going on to university. He took it to mean that we could be driving young people insane with the amounts of pressures suddenly forced upon them. In tribal communities, teens pass over to adult hood with ease. But in western culture, the path to adult hood is made as difficult as possible. Young people go from having no control over their lives, to suddenly having to take leaps and bounds. Do we really need to drug so many people, so they can fit into what's ideally normal, or should society be the one to change. That's what disorders are by their very nature. Dis-orders. Disorderly conduct. Is insanity simply going against the majority?

1 comment:

Etta said...

Thank you for stating so clearly you interpretation of a world gone haywire. Your comments are greatly appreciated, supported, and applauded. Keep of the good work.

Perhaps some cataclysmic upheaval will return us to a world of rationality and stability.