Thursday, December 24, 2009

Epitome Of A Tortured Genius

It's better to starve free than to be a fat slave.

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.

If you're a highly creative individual that doesn't want to end up like the epitome of a tortured genius, you have to find balance. Sometimes you have to burn yourself out so you can rest. Sometimes you have to lose it. Escape from reality by running away for a day or two. There's nothing wrong with that. It's why artists say they don't ask for inspiration. It comes to them. Nature made you the way you are. It's your instinct. Right brain thinkers use their intuition more than logical folk. They tend to see what's in front of them. They use the information given to them and most of the time don't think to come up with their own ideas. But Intuitive people get emotional when they sense something isn't right. I know life's a bitch. But you shouldn't have to take pills to become the ideal model citizen. Don't be a victim of the world. All great artists create until they don't have the strength. If you give up in life a million little things will chip away at you. You should never stop being the genius you are. Let the voices in your head overcome you. Keep creating until they fall silent. Show the world what it's shown you. If your head doesn't work right, follow your heart. Age with grace. Be a composer.


I'm worried because I've seen allot of brilliant people in my life, lose that spark of intellect due to numbing themselves. Weather it's from prescripted meds or street drugs. When your body adjusts to them you need to up the dosage. I've worked in a mental institution before. In my opinion, insanity is biting people and drinking from the toilet. Severe mental retardation is insanity. Bipolar disorder is a term used to describe your current imbalanced emotional condition. If you let your fears and your emotions control you, your sanity will gradually become worse and worse. There are varying degrees of these episodes. They start off as general anxiety and depression. From there you have panic attacks, then mania, then psychosis and finally Schizophrenia. They are all just your body and your mind reacting to stress. They can be controlled without the use of prescribed meds. Your sanity is your responsibility. Unfortunately, when we are labeled with such vices, it gives us an excuse to justify our behavior, without questioning why we feel such strong emotions in the first place. Our feelings can be dealt with in a healthy way. Managing ones emotions shouldn't mean holding them back. We should except that we have these emotions and instincts for a reason. To survive our harsh environment. Evolution gave you tear ducts for a reason. It's response to stimuli. Use them when necessary. When you cry all those natural body chemicals flood out of you.

It's sad that it takes a person so long to figure out who they are and what life is. But once you do, It's best to drink life in as much as possible, if and when you can. There's nothing wrong with you. There never was anything wrong with you. The world around you however, is a different story. You're an intelligent and passionate. The traumatic experiences you have had in your life or have read about have taken its toll on your nerves. If you have high levels of testosterone in your body, that can be a problem too. All that energy is looking for an escape. There are thousands of people with mental problems that have learned to cope with stress through Traditional Chinese medicine, philosophy, meditation, yoga etc. There's a reason these methods have been practiced for centuries. They come from a time when people had to live with the harshest of rulers, with little to no human rights. In ancient China for instance, rose oil was very rare. If a man were to posses even a small drop, he would be beheaded. We are quickly approaching a time of tyranny and corruption. In order to survive these times with dignity and grace, alternative measures need to be taken in order to stay calm. these ancient methods should seriously be taken into consideration.

Back home, When I was a girl I use to bike down dirt roads and go swimming in the rivers. The sun doesn't come out much here and it rains allot. But there's something about those hills I find breath taking. To me they're better then the ocean. I used to have vivid dreams that I was flying over them. I've had allot of recurring dreams like that. I would be standing around, talking to a group of people and then suddenly float upwards, rise over the trees and the hay fields, and soar. I wonder what the psychology of that is?

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