Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm a Hypocrite ...and so are you!!

I'm a hypocrite because I think people should be kind to animals as well as other people and the enviroment because we're smart enough to do so. however I hate Vegetarians. They ruin my fun. They ruin the fact that I love fried chicken. They make me think of the fried chicken as an animal that lived and breathed. I certainly wouldn't want to be eaten. That's a terrible thought. So I think mabey the vege eaters are right. Mabey we should stop eating meat. We don't really need to. We need iron and can get it from certian plants like beans and spinich. I think we crave meat becuase we evolved from apes that had fangs and hunted. They weren't very successful at it so.... They also scare the shit out of me. I like being near the top of the food chain. (I hate it when people say we're on the top of the food chain. If we were on top we wouldn't get eaten by sharks, lions, crockodiles...)

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