Yucky concrete. So boring. So bland. A good way to cause mischief in a productive way is seed bombing. It's where you make these little grenades made out of seed and mud and throw them onto a patch of dirt that's not being used in your city. They don't actually explode of course. The technique is very good for the beginning of plant life though. The above link shows how to engage in a war against boring ugly nothingness and win. I like the part where it says you should bring along some chicks dressed like Daisy Duke to divert cops from what's happening. This also makes the procedure look like a good idea. Nothing sells better then when it's got hot chicks beside it!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Guerrilla Gardening
Friday, January 25, 2008
We Buy Ads
Burger king joined forces with Xbox a while back, to make a new way of advertising to young males. The games were sold for 3.99 when you purchased a value meal. I think it's cool how people pay for advertising and then the products they see form the advertising. I never think of marketing as genius. People are just stupid and easily manipulated. For instance when you buy a newspaper, over half of it is advertising. Some pages are just a giant ad. Others are articles about things you should buy. The rest are already on the news. TV is a giant sales pitch. I was watching a movie loaded full of commercials and decided to count how much of the program I was watching and how many ads. After 12 minutes of program 5 minutes of commercials would run. Most of the time the average TV programming has half an hour for every two hours. I dont think people should buy digital cable because you get more channels but allot of the stuff is things you've already seen. Things play at the same time too. It's stupid. Like i always say...Get a hobbie instead!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Britney Spears Is Boring
Britney flashes vagina.... Britney shaves her head... Britney went crazy... Britney went to the hospital in an ambulance... Britney lost custody of her kids... Britney showed up late for court... Britney goes to school to pick up someone elses kids... Britney never really shaved her head or did any of these stupid things... If she did she would never be able to fit into the mold of pop stardom... Britney gets paid by companies to act like an idiot... Britney gets her picture taken, then gets photoshopped to look interesting for star magazine... Britney's 16 year old sister is pregnant... Jamie Lynn Spears is the new Britney... Teen pregnancy is the new black...
This shit is really boring. I think the best news is how to save money. So you can go on a long vacation far away from this mind numbing, boring shit.
I'm so so so tired of hearing about celebrity gossip. It's on TV and magazines. Audiences don't get to choose who's famous. Producers do. They start off with a young teen. The younger the better, so they can have a longer contract. They choose someone with the right bone structure. Singing isn't that important because technology can fix any flaw.
I wish people could pick up old hobbies like reading and thinking....Anything except for this crap.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
some down time
People don't spend enough time with their family and friends anymore. I mean quality time. I don't see my parents anymore. I thought I could maybe have a party at the house. Then I thought, everyone would probably be too busy. Then I thought, well when aren't people busy? There used to be a time known as the weekend when everyone was at home from work. Now thanks to Sunday shopping that time is gone. I've heard people that are neutral on the subject and say if you don't like it, just stay home! Kind of hard to do when your schedule says you work that day. Everyone is too tired to just drop by and have tea. It never used to be like that. I think that we should work together to have social times. Or else we won't even know one another anymore.
TIP. Get on the phone or Internet and ask people if they want to go to a party with
FREE BEER! You will find them eager to change plans or schedules. They probably won't back out either. Do have a party or get together but only with food and a movie or something. When you get there say the beer got stolen . No one will leave because they'd look like a jerk.
You can do many different things that doesn't cost loads of money like :
take your friends out for a walk, play a sports game, have a barbecue (everyone can bring different foods) go out for coffee, go for a swim, watch the clouds, gaze at the stars etc. The more friends and family that come along the better! Also when you do things away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas you can get in touch with your spiritual side much easier. You don't always have to spend money in bars and malls to have fun. Life has become fast paced. Don't forget to live!
. . .
We don't look at the stars enough. In ancient times people named them and thought they were gods. Today we actually know what they are. They still hold allot of mystery and power. The light from a star that you see happened a thousand years ago. Light travels at a certain speed and stars are so far away that what we see in the sky is not what it really looks like if you were to be closer. Isn't that cool?!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Joy Of Abnormality
A friend I haven't seen for ages e-mailed me the other day. Actually it was Face book that made her curious as to what I was up to these days. We were best friends all throughout elementary school. When we got to high school we went our separate ways because of life and growing up. But we're talking again. It's weird but we still have a lot in common. She's trying to get a career though. Which is the farthest thing from what I'm trying to achieve in my life. Her mom was always pushing her hard to get good grades and such. It must have paid off because She has an advanced English major with a double minor in History and Cultural Studies. I have a high school diploma. Which would have been great 50 years ago! I've been craving having a normal life style lately. I live the life of a typical eccentric. I get up past noon. Do many different things to pay bills. None of them are average. I pee outside. I talk to my boyfriend about work when he's on the toilet. I love middle eastern music. (I love all music as long as it's good.) When I'm stressed out I have violent nightmares about zombies and people trying to kill me. Then I kill the people in the most grotesque ways. I often wondered about sanity because of my dreams. Some of them are recurring. I never told my therapist. I think She's more of a flake then I am. I think all of them are. They make money off of people's pain.
Anyway where was I? Oh yes, a normal life. I've tried to be normal once. My emotions ate me alive. I've never been more depressed in my life then when I've tried to behave like the average person. But I just have these dreams about having a normal social life, working my way up in the economy, succeeding, and driving! If I settled down and worked on these things I wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't have time to read and discover the world. I wouldn't have time for creativity. It's too bad people do these things when they retire. You have to live life in the moment before it passes by. ESPECIALLY if you're an atheist. Because then you know there isn't anything waiting for you when you've come to your last days.
I just can't help but think what life would be like if I had been more disciplined growing up....
Friday, January 18, 2008
Have hobbies, not addictions. There are allot of young people my age, that don't know what the hell a hobby is. They think hobbies include: video games, drinking, gambling, marijuana, sex, bar hopping and shopping. Now I'm no square. Believe me I do all those things. But they can be destructive to your mind and your wallet. There is more to life. Having hobbies are productive. They make you more creative and intelligent. They can even make you money if you're good at them.
When I quit drugs I had to leave all my old friends behind. For a while I was really depressed and useless. Then I met a guy that recently quit the party life style as well. He made me realize that you don't have to do those things to fit in. You can be wholesome and accomplish more. Know I'm as happy as I was as a kid. I feel content because I'm doing things for myself and not other people. I work at home and it's so comfortable. I have a better relationship with my family.
If you feel stressed, have a bubble bath, light some candles and play soft music. Learn how to build models. Make crafts and sell them online. Learn haw to cook gourmet meals. Read about something that has always interested you! Be creative instead of waiting for something to happen.
People are too pressured into fitting into a mold when it comes to entertainment. Fitting into a mold is stressful and time consuming. You need time to think and feel and be a human being! We all need to live more wholsomly. Going out to bars and shopping has its kicks but not if that's your only entertainment. Make your own fun.
"The less you live the more you consume." "The more you live the more you love." Love people and life. Kind of corn filled I know. But it's TRUE!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
When I was a kid I wanted to be a cop.Then an astronaut. Then a chemist. I thought of how proud I'll be when I'll be in high school. Then I would go off to university. The older I got the more I realised how very little options there were out there for me. When I got to high school It wasn't how I imagined it to be. The work was very dull and boring. All my friends were interested in was losing their virginity. I wanted to be an actress, then an artist, then a fashion designer, then a music interviewer. Then when high school was over I realised how expensive university was. I realized how expensive EVERYTHING was.
A friend of my boyfriend came to visit today. He's very University educated but very worldly uneducated. He's very sexist and fascist and I feel bad for him because of that. There's more hate in the world then there used to be a generation ago. If people helped each other rather then stepping on each other we would be happier. I think it's just because he got bullied and tortured when he was growing up. Anyhow as much as I disagreed with his sexist views I did agree with one of them, in that the education system has become watered down. More people can graduate that otherwise would be flunkies, but what difference does that make? What can you get with a high school education these days? Not much. My dad said when he was a kid they had to do algebra without a calculator. When they failed one class they failed all and had to repeat the year. It's too easy now. That's why so many freshman college students are so immature. This along with pop culture is making young people very unhappy and rebellious. What does a young person have these days? All the simple milestones in life don't mean anything to anyone anymore. The high school diploma, first car, the house with a white picket fence, marriage and babies are unwanted. They are goals of the past. Media tells us today that the career in business is the goal we need. We need tons of money so we can be the best we can be. Perfect all the things that are horribly wrong with us.
I mentioned earlier that we pay for everything that used to be free. The old saying goes "the best things in life are free. " That used to be true. It's not the good old days anymore where people used to help one another out. It's online dating services, genetically altered massed produced foods, air conditioning, purified water, private property, do not enter, every where I look. I feel there's nowhere to turn to. I have the knowledge to know what's going on in reality. I question everything. Critical thinking is a good way to learn. It's a good way to be paranoid too. But with everything you have to take a grain of salt. In order to be wise, one must learn about the tragedies of the world as well as the miracles. You have to learn from your mistakes.
I'm worried that people are forgetting about these old sayings. Our society is taught to obey. There are stiff regulations everywhere. We need to enjoy simpler things . It's OK to live humble. Talk to an elderly person about the past. Ask for advice. They might have been born in a different time, but they're still alive now. Having lived for so long, they've learned a lot about humanity. This knowledge is called wisdom. A knowledge that can make you at peace with the world. It can make you happy.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I need some excitement
I need to take another break from reality. I have tons more terrible things I could blog about but I'm getting really depressed from this shit. My next blog will be about the link between TV and ADD, obesity, violence, relationship problems etc. It's a bad world and corporations are 80% to blame....the other percentages is the government and us the people. We're all in this together. The end of the world will be every ones fault. You can't blame the weather for acting weird from global warming. You drove to the grocery store when you could have walked. You threw that wrapper in the garbage when you were to lazy to throw it in the recycle bin. When the ice caps melt and your neighbourhood floods you can't blame someone else. Crap. I'm doing it again.
If I could be anywhere right now, I would be in a field, beside a victorian mansion, with a handsome, charming, very rich fellow, sipping wine. I would be a very beautiful, well off but not rich , madam. The year is 1830. It's a glorious spring day. Birds are chirping, apple blossoms blooming. A warm breeze sweeps through my hair; flowing spun gold hair. I wonder if the handsome sir Elijah Thomas Benedict has a liking for me. The industrial revolution has begun some years prior, but not to the extent that it is now. No pollution, no computers, no advertisements plastered to everything, no cars, televisions, i-pods... sigh.
I think I'll go some were with this. There's nothing like a good romance to cheer up a girl when she's down. Sappy romances to a woman are like porn to a man. A complete escape from reality.
Animated Cartoon Reality
OK, I need to take a break from reality. I want to watch some Disney cartoons or something. The little mermaid was my favorite growing up. I pretended to be Ariel when I was swimming in the summer. Secondly, sleeping beauty. She was a cool chick. Alice in wonderland comes in third. I don't like animated Disney movies anymore because they're too commercial.
It's great to be aware of ones surroundings but stupid people look so much happier. Ever wonder why writers commit suicide?
shortest blog ever
Don't let the television teach your kids.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Popular Medications Part 2
Dear Diary:
In my own experience, I'm only 22 and have experienced depression several times in my life. I had all the symptoms. Lack of interest in activities I usually enjoyed, fatigue, everything I tried to do seemed hopeless, trouble making decisions... when I was 12 I cried all the time. It was one of the hardest years in my life. when I was 18 I was bedridden because of it. When I went to my first therapist I was so depressed I could hardly get out a sentence. I badly wanted to jump off a bridge. He said I was socially inept and needed to get out more often. That screwed me up so bad. I thought he was a moron. My boyfriend went to see him before we met. He thought he was a moron too but that's a different story.I got over it for awhile but then again between 19 and 20 I slept all day and thought of suicide. I felt so worthless to people. I also developed an eating disorder. When I went to my doctor he said to get a therapist. I asked him about the drugs and he did for a while put off the suggestion. But I said I already ate healthy and exercised. So he offered the drugs. Going to therapy didn't help me at all. At times I felt my therapy was a freakin sales pitch from a drug dealer or something. Her first advice was "try the drugs. Allot of people take them. " "Buy this book it'll come in handy if you can afford it, it's $60. " I asked a psychologist about them and he didn't seem to know much about them. "Sometimes people get tics" he said. "Tics?" "Yes, small electric shocks that travel down to their hands. This is only after they've been on them for a while and stop taking them." He explained it was because of the brains reaction to having the electric impulses changed suddenly. It freaked me out. I didn't take them and went on with my depression. I slept for months.
Did any one ever think of WHY over 57.7 million Americans are suffering with mood disorders?
What was it like 220 years ago? Did they have children with such low self esteem issues?
What ever happened to the words...
sad /depressed
cloudy disposition/ clinically depressed
emotional/ bipolar
adventurous/ ADD
energetic/ ADHD
tired from work and life/ chronic fatigue
lively imagination/ delusional
temper tantrum/ mania
different/ disorder
All too often people fight back tears when their going through allot of stress. People are often ashamed of their feelings and asked to put on a conservative smile for work because when you take time off when a family member dies you risk losing your job. In the past when children had to much energy they were told to go out and play. When you live in a city today it's to dangerous to go out alone and theirs nothing for kids to do but go to the mall. The mentality for children to be seen and not heard is still in play, and if kids have too much energy their dubbed hyper active and given Ritalin. This generation of youth has seen more violence and sex in the media then ever before in history. There is very little family time for these children anymore so they are left to process what it means alone. Adolescent violence and bullying is at a rise and schools have become dangerous. There is a lack of education about the real world we live in. People are misinformed. The environment is going extinct from pollution and urbanization. There are millions of homeless around the world and in our country and we're still told to buy SUVs and big screen LCD TVs with digital cable. There are There is allot of pressure on people to look perfect, have the perfect career of their choice, the big house, the nice car... America is a very competitive place where in the past neighbours and families helped out one another. Now it's every man for himself and if you aren't working on becoming something you're a loser.
And we wonder why we're so depressed?
But that is the American dream. Not the American reality. People don't question the media with critical thinking. You don't need to be a celebrity to be important. All of humanity is important and we all need to realize that.
Read to your kids and teach them about the world. Don't leave all the teaching up to the schools, day cares and television. Spend time with your family and get fresh air if you can. Go for a walk. Do activities together. Don't let technology be your only source of amusement. You'll get bored and depressed.
Popular Medications Part 1
If you suffer from depression, ADD or any of the common problems modern people face, please consider doing your own research about drugs and alternative therapies, before a doctor or pharmacist prescribes you something you know nothing about.
This is really disgusting ....
I watched a documentary last night called the medicated child. Before seeing it I wondered if I could handle it considering all the other terrible things I've learned about capitalism in the passing year. But curiosity got the best of me.
ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, Disorder, Manic, Depression, OCD and some extras Asthma, Diabetes and Childhood Obesity. some kids have these all at once and take a load of 'medication.'
Scientists say that the brain is a complex thing and the study of the human brain is in its infancy. That being said one should keep in mind that medications used to treat the above 'illnesses' are RARELY TESTED.
Can you believe that? It's mind boggling to think that the drug industry experiments on people like that. But what a stagering amount of money they make. They fund allot of things unfortuately. They have quaint little names like PAXIL,ZOLOFT,PROZAC,CELEXA ( I took that stuff for a short time.)EFFEXOR e.t.c.the list goes on.
Drugs and drugs and drugs, oh my!
So many to choose from. Most people don't get to choose though.
Many doctors just write out a prescription and send you on your way. So do therapists. Did I mention they get money or kicks when they prescribe these things? Funded by the drug industry of course.
Some more information
In the documentary "the medicated child" There was one kid that was on as much meds as an old lady. It started with one pill causing anxiety. So He had to take another pill to calm it. Then that one caused high blood pressure so he had to take another and another and so on. He ended up living off of eight pills. It reminds me of the old poem Their was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed the fly. Then she took a spider to eat the fly then a mouse to eat the spider and so on. The poem tragically ended in death.
His main problem was mood swings. He looked healthy as a child but as he grew older and higher dosages were required, he began to look very unhealthy. As much pills as he was on he was still irritable and having problems. ( nobodies perfect) He suffered from 'ticks' uncontrollable body movements. He couldn't stop rolling his neck. He looked like he had developed Turrets. His eyes looked tired like he hadn't slept right for months. He didn't look over weight but he was really bloated, especially around the neck. He was always drowsy and irritable and found it hard to get through school.
He finally went to a therapist who said she saw allot of kids come to her heavily medicated with the same amount of problems they had as before they were medicated. She personally believed allot of the children didn't really need the medication and were missed diagnosed.She tried alternative methods of therapy (in my opinion they should be the first in most cases) like Yoga, exercise group therapy etc. And wouldn't you know it the kid got happier.
The Cost Of Survival
I guess I need a light bulb moment for making good money. It's getting harder to be creative these days and support yourself by doing it. It's getting harder to support yourself period. When I was younger I thought it would come right to me. I mean it's not hard to make the money. You just need enough to sustain your existence. That's why it's harder. Let me give you an example:A dump apartment in the 60's was $100.00 and wages were $2.50 Today wages have only gone up to approx. $7.50 (after taxes) for a 40 hour work week. so you make approx. $1100.00 a month. Lets see if we can live off of our hard labour...
Rent =MINIMUM $550.00 to $600.00 for a piece of shit.
Heat $900 a month (oil prices continue to sky rocket)
food= $150.00 if you mostly like kraft dinner and canned goods.
Power =$100.00 or more if you like using it.
Transportation =$100 0r $60 if you use the bus.
phone=$32.00 minimum.
necessities=$50.00 (laundry,soaps, toothpaste, toilet paper, tampons..) So now we only have $70 left. Water? Debts anyone? Student loans? Your gonna owe the man something at some point. more like everyone because we're broke. BETTER NOT GET SICK! you can't afford it. HOME EMENITIES.OR emergency funds. Car need repairs? Nothing lasts forever anymore. Then there's clothes, furniture... That's allot of fuckin' money and we haven't even done anything fun to keep us from snapping. Entertainment? I guess I'll just watch TV ($30 a month for basic cable) I'm too tired from working to go out. Not to mention broke. Maybe I can rent some movies? Only $10 including munchies.....
The government is really behind the scenes these days. It's the faceless corporations that are ruling over us. Where we go shopping makes a big difference. ie. Mc Donald's made $5.42 billion in 2007. They expect an increase in profits because of the Healthier menu, but most employees working there are at poverty level. Even the managers only make slightly more then the teenagers that are just there to save money and don't know that much about survival. That's why I can't stand working for big places like Walmart, Super store, Call centers etc. You get treated like crap, work all the fuckin time, always get called in on your day off and you don't make enough to show for your hard, usually stressful and disgusting work.
Thank you Mc Donald's. No I don't want fries with that. I can't affort any 'add-ons' because you aren't paying me enough...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Rambling Rant On Capitalism and War (I think)
Feminists would hate me. Not that I hate feminists. I am a woman after all. I have a website where I sell stuff. I hate doing it but it makes more money than anything right now. I have another website where I draw cartoon porn. I actually worked in a strip club in Moncton when I was 19. Hated that too. Although I loathe seducing men for cash, I find it just as degrading as minimum wage work. Lets face it. This is North America. A capitalist society. As much freedom as women have we are still objectified by the media. I'm guilty of taking advantage of that. Did you know Abercrombie and Fitch makes underwear for kids? they make them in sizes for ages 10-16 but the smaller sizes could fit even younger girls. Isn't that fucked?
Corporations are owning us rather then working for us. They control most of the media, and most of the media in America and in many other places, is owned by Australian American Rupert Murdoch. He is one of the richest old fellas in the world. which brings me to another piss off. The U.S. is in debt forty eight trillion dollars, Canada a measly six hundred billion. America is one of the riches countries in the world but the gap between the rich and the poor is huge. And by America I mean the United States and Canada. If you ask me Canada has become an excuse to make more profit for the United states. We don't have any big Canadian owned corporations anymore. They're all 'American'.
The middle class is almost gone and most people are getting to know poverty. You hear more and more people having to choose between necessities like heat or food. Me and my boyfriend have to make that decision. We found out that the oil tank in our house goes through oil quite fast. A full tank costs $900. That's a lot when you consider how much living costs these days. It costs more then we can bring in. No wonder people get in debt so fast. We had to stop using it. It's so cold in some parts of the house that you can see your breath. American companies outsource to less developed countries to make more profit while people at home are getting layed off from the factories. The quickest way to fix this for America seems to be going to war.
Americas history with war
War in Which American Colonists or United States Citizens Officially Participated
July 4, 1675 -August 12, 1676
King Philip's War
New England Colonies vs. Wampanoag, Narragansett, and Nipmuck Indians
King William's War
The English Colonies vs. France
Queen Anne's War
The English Colonies vs. France
King George's War
The French Colonies vs. Great Britain
French and Indian War (Seven Years War)
The French Colonies vs. Great Britain
Cherokee War
English Colonists vs. Cherokee Indians
American Revolution
English Colonists vs. Great Britain
Franco-American Naval War
United States vs. France
1801-1805; 1815
Barbary Wars
United States vs. Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli
War of 1812
United States vs. Great Britain
Creek War
United States vs. Creek Indians
War of Texas Independence
Texas vs. Mexico
Mexican War
United States vs. Mexico
Civil War
Union vs. Confederacy
Spanish-American War
United States vs. Spain
World War I
Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary vs. Triple Entente: Britain, France, and Russia. The United States joined on the side of the Triple Entente in 1917.
World War II
Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan vs. Major Allied Powers: United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia
Korean War
United States (as part of the United Nations) and South Korea vs. North Korea and Communist China
Vietnam War
United States and South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam
Bay of Pigs Invasion
United States vs. Cuba
United States Intervention
US Invasion of Panama
United States vs. Panama
Persian Gulf War
United States and Coalition Forces vs. Iraq
Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina
United States as part of NATO acted peacekeepers in former Yugoslavia
Invasion of Iraq
United States and Coalition Forces vs. Iraq
Every generation in America has seen a different war. I wonder what country america will target next. Factory workers resort to making munitions for the army. Instead of joining the army and getting gang raped like Jamie Leigh Jones and thousands before her, I'd rather become a Mexican citizen and travel to America to work for a few months and then go home with my riches. I hear Mexico has beautiful beaches....
Although it's hard to make a living I do think people are spending to much. You don't really need all the things that are advertised to you. It's like the old saying goes, There's a sucker born every minute. Look at how jaded Christmas has gotten. It's a religious holiday for fuck sakes. Christmas has become a sales pitch with very little spirituality to be found. Time to spend with your family? Peace on earth? Good will towards man? No. Boxing day sales. Presents. Expensive technological presents. Advertisements will say its the giving that means something. Giving or getting, you're still giving them money. You have allot of power to change the world by where you spend your money. Sometimes you don't have to spend money at all. Make your own stuff. Get a hobby instead of shopping for fun. You'll have a richer life and you won't be in debt.
Wanna know how to stay out of debt and still have fun? Here's my advice;
$ Grow a garden If you can't because you live in an apartment, grow a few plants in pots.
$ Cook It does take more time and effort to cook but canned or frozen foods are gross. They usually have more salt and chemicals to preserve them. You'll be healthier and have more energy when you make home made food. You don't have to be a chef either. The simplest recipies taste the best.
$ Don't go to University UNLESS you're sure you can get a career after and pay that loan . I know a heap of people that went to school, and were better for it mind you, but still ended up working for minimum wage with nothing to show but university papers and a huge debt load. Know what the economy wants before you leap!!
$ Make your own stuff When christmas and birthdays roll around make something that you know would mean alot to your family and friends. Even as jaded as kids can be in the age of consumerisim and technology, if you try really hard to think of something you'll find it. When I was a kid, my friends got the newest stuff for christmas. My parents were going through a rough time with money so they made me a doll house. Parents used to make toys for there kids all through out history. I don't see why we have to stop now. For my grade 11 prom my mother made my prom dress. Everyone thought it was beautiful and asked where I got it. Be brave, be patient,make time and work hard for yourself and you will accomplish great things!
$Don't drive When you live in an urban area and your job is right next door, walk. If you live out of town, park your car in a central location when you gat there and walk to wherever you have to go. You'll get exersize and you won't be helping the demise of the world as we know it due to global warming.
You don't have to do these things all the time but they will help. They aren't convenient and time saving but you should make some sacrifice for humanity. Walmarts are bad for us. And the stuff you buy from them are cheap, made by labourers in a diferent country and are made to break!
As Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi would say "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD."
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Brand Obssessed Consumers
Here is an excerpt from Adbusters Magazine...
"Try this one with your kids. Give them one minute to come up with a list of all the brand names they can think of. Pretty easy right? Okay, then give them one minute to list all the different kinds of plants and trees they can remember. Once they're finished, compare lists and lead them in a discussion about why the second list is so much smaller then the first one."
- Adbusters
Now you might think, "well it's hard to know how many trees there are, there's thousands of them." Yes there is. However did you know that the average person sees 5000 advertisements a day? " It's not like I pay attention to all of them", you say sporting your brand new nike shoes. (made by slave kids with carpel-tunnel syndrome)
I just think humanity should befriend the plants that have given our planet AIR. So we can fucking breathe!!!
Oh and here's a little tidbit you bastards should know. Scientists say that 2007 has broken records for wildlife going extinct, weird weather and deforestation. " By cutting down the boreal forest you're giving the world asthma." they say. When one animal goes extinct, others follow. Which makes farming a lot harder. It most definitely leads to famine. And ,with the rising temperatures, a more pleasant breeding ground for bacteria.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
The Future Of Civilization
We're dead.
We deserve what's coming to us. I do too for not doing anything about it. Here is what I think the not so distant future is going to be like based on what's happening now:
People will have to wear gas masks to go outside. It will get hotter. Where tropical paradise used to be, there will be desert. Where desert used to be, there will be hotter and dryer desert. There won't be an ozone layer and when you go outside your skin will burn and blister and you'll get cancer right away from the radiation of the sun. People will have virtually no muscle mass due to technology always moving for them. Everyone will be on medication to be able to get through how stressful and fast paced and long work has become. Children will have to take a specific drug to concentrate and ignore all the distractions of modern life and ignore their youthful energy. There will be no leisure time to get to know anyone. Communication will be discouraged because it will effect productivity. Families won't exist. Only certain people with specific good looks and immunities to deadly viruses will be selected for breeding. These people will be ordered to breed frequently until they all no longer fertile. It will be done by artificial insemination and the fetus will be grown in an artificial womb. Everyone will be germaphobic because of all the viruses that have mutated to overcome vaccinations and the plagues that have returned from heat waves. The only sexual pleasure will be virtually online or with real looking sex dolls. Masturbation will be prohibited because we will be under surveillance in our apartments. These apartments will be very small and cramped. However 6 or 7 people will live in them to help pay the very expensive rent. The apartments will be called Human storage. The working class will often be called the Human resource by the wealthy, who use them as slaves to build there utopias and clean their Bio domes.( the wealthy will live in huge domes with no toxins in the air or water. The gardens and parks will be lush and fertile with some species of animals that have been salvaged by scientists.) Every species of animal will be extinct except for house cats and dogs. Human beings will follow in extinction soon after because of the loss of intelligence passed on, along with the instinct to love and deal with children. This loss of intelligence came mostly from the lack of needing to think from technology. Government and corporation will be responsible for this mostly because it's easier to control people when they're stupid. This will be in the government's favor at first but as stupidity of people gets passed on from generation to generation the size of the cranium shrinks because the intelligence is no longer needed. The brain will shrink to do more repetitive tasks similar to ants. Breed, work, and fight against ants of different race to make a strong colony for the Queen. You'll have to buy everything because everything will be controlled by government and corporations. Money will not exist and your bank account will always be under surveillance to make sure you always make a certain amount. You'll have to buy everything that used to come free with life. Water, Oxygen, love, Sex, school, sleep etc. Oh, wait, we already pay for everything that used to be free.
Allot of the shit I mentioned is already happening in some places.
I met up with an alien recently, that has traveled through time. Here is what he said in an interview I gave him last week.
ME: So what time do you live in? Or what time are you from?
Alien:To you our species has become what it is now, in 129 499 378 774 188 BC, but we have evolved frontal lobes that are much more advanced then yours. We have figured out a way to live in many different times and communicate through them.
ME: You must be quite smart. Can you hear what I'm thinking?
Alien:Yes. And no, we aren't going to invade your planet. We live on loads of other planets that haven't been so fucked up.
Me:How far can you travel through time?
Alien:There is no limit to time and space. It goes on for infinity. You humans only think of things as having beginnings and endings because you are born and then die. Time is actually something you invented to measure the rate of which things live and die so to speak. A human with an unusually large frontal lobe knew this once. I believe you called him Albert Einstein. You mostly seem to think of him as an equation. We have used this equation many times to go where we want. You have used most of his knowledge for making weapons of mass destruction. The math of time would have become quite useful to you.
ME: What do you mean would have?
Alien: My species has been to your future to see your demise. You collapsed your own civilizations from your own greed and ignorance. The human race could have had so much potential. They could have thrived for millions of years. They could have travelled to distant galaxies, travelled through time, to different dimensions even, find life in other places, stop the sun from going super nova, stop a giant asteroid from crashing into earth again, stop the giant black hole from devouring space to make other galaxies. They could have even made their own galaxies. Instead they stopped themselves. The bio domes you made to survive had a flaw in them. You humans have a trend of taking everything for yourself and leaving none for the next generation. This is what you did on earth and then in the domes and then in the domes you made on your moon and mars. By the time you colonized mars there was very few of you left to survive. Viruses that you were once immune to made you ill and die. By then you lost your desire to procreate due to your flawed technology and you couldn't breed as fast as you were going extinct. It's a shame. You humans are an intelligent animal but like most animals on your planet you are territorial. Your instinct to dominate surpassed your instinct to nurture. Your last human was a janitor. He was immune to most things as you can probably guess. He lived to be 35 and died in 3499.
More and more people are suffering from depression, cancer, asthma and stupidity.
I was listening to the CBC the other day and a scientist was talking about how whenever a new technological discovery is made there is no question of whether it could have harmful effects on people on the Earth or not. It is simply released into the Economy. Most likely it is tested and released flaws and all. But only the wealthy are able to afford electric cars that are dent and smash proof. They don't make cars perfectly death proof because they want you to give them lots of money by repairing and replacing them. This is the same for most consumer goods that are outsourced to other countries to be cheaply made.
This has a bad effect on our planet. Notice that most of the worlds powerful people are old? These old fellows pretty much take what they want and don't think of there children's future. We suck too. 100 years ago if everyone knew that cars would be such a horrible polluter and dangerous for people to drive (and for animals to become road kill).....NO ONE WOULD DRIVE!! And we would survive.
You bastards need to see this shit for yourselves.