I've been thinking of starting another revolution like in the 60's. only without drugs.There's so many bad things happening around the world that one could protest about.I know protesting is dangerous and changes very little, but it's fun to be a pain in the ass to the powerful people that are messing everything up. I put up little notes and posters in stores about controversial things. I'm sure people rip them down but at least they read them first.
I want to start making some noise but I'm not quite sure how. Hopefully I won't get assassinated like all the other people that tried to make a difference. I made a list of all those who got assassinated by the bad guys that didn't want them to make a difference. Abraham Lincoln, Che Guevara, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, JFK, RFK, John Lennon, Malcolm X, Harvey Milk, James E Davis, Farag Foda...And that's just some of them! If you go to Wikipedia and search for listed assassinations you will find lists of bad guys and good guys that have been ended. A lot of the good guys consisted of journalists, human rights activists and politicians, socialists etc. Yes I've been thinking about protesting but then I thought about all the other people that have tried to make people aware and they were assassinated. I think I'll just sit on my hands and suggest that someone else do it. Too scary.
I'm reading a book called DO IT! by Jerry Rubin, published in 1970. My favorite quote is " a society that suppresses adventure makes the only adventure the suppression of that society." I thought that quote sounded familiar and then I remembered reading a similar quote in the new magazine Adbusters. (a magazine driven to make people aware of how their consumerism affects society) It reads " The society that abolishes every adventure makes its own abolition the only possible adventure." I wonder where they get their inspiration? Still it's very true.
There is a new bylaw to ban smoking in my town effective in the new year. Smokers will have to smoke only in their homes and on two bridges that are owned by the province. I'm sure there are a lot of smokers burdened by their addiction but they are still pissed about the new law. I think it's a bit too much because so many people are too addicted to quit. The law forces people to light up inside around their family. People that are against the law are taking to one of the bridges and protesting. I'm going too, even though I don't smoke. I just want to see what happens. Protesting in smaller tamer groups is much safer then trying to overthrow a corrupt govrnment, as sad as that sounds...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Don't protest because they'll shoot you many times.
I've been thinking of starting another revolution like in the 60's. only without drugs.There's so many things one could protest about in Canada and the U.S. I know protesting is dangerous and changes very little, but it's fun to be a pain in the ass to the powerful people that are messing everything up. I put up little notes and posters in stores about controversial things. I'm sure people rip them down but at least they read them first. I want to start making some noise but I'm not quite sure how. Hopefully I won't get assassinated like all the other people that tried to make a differrence. I made a list of all those who got assassinated by the bad guys that wanted power.............I'm reading a book called DO IT! by Jerry Rubin, published in 1970. My favorite quote is " a society that suppresses adventure makes the only adventure the suppression of that society." I thought that quote sounded familiar and then I remembered reading a similar quote in the new magazine Adbusters. (a magazine driven to make people aware of how their consumerism affects society) It reads " The society that abolishes every adventure makes its own abolition the only possible adventure." I wonder where they get their inspiration?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Everyones a hypocrite.
Everyones a hypocrite. I complain that people should be nicer to one another and here I am bashing my fellow man. It sure is fun though!
If you're a vegetarian chances are I will not like you because I think you're kind of dumb. I understand that you should know where your meat is coming from and if it's from an animal that's been treated kindly through out it's life. Why then, can't we just ask for better agriculture? You can't just say it's cruel to eat meat because an animal shouldn't die to give you food. What If you're starving to death? Next thing you'll been on a wolves case because it preyed upon a rabbit. Or a person in a third world country ate their neighbours cat. Human beings are omnivores. We survived by eating anything that walks, crawls, flys and grows. Animals eat animals. Humans are animals. Some animals eat humans. That's nature. Weather it's a plant or an animal something must DIE in order to feed us.
If you think it's wrong to eat meat because animals are God's creatures and we should love them, not eat them, then it becomes about morals and religious beliefs. Not anyone believes in God, and there are thousands of religions. you can't force your beliefs on others. If you think we shouldn't eat meat because the effects it has on the environment then you should stop driving, shopping in large corporate retail stores, only eat things that come in a biodegradable bag, and live without electricity. Because I can guarantee you're assisting in global warming. Oh yes and think of how many millions of animals are hit by cars every day. If you're truly animal friendly then you wouldn't drive because there's too much risk involved. If you think that we shouldn't eat meat because it's bad for you then you should read more. Meat is an excellent source of iron and protein. If you have to take supplements to get more iron in your blood because you're anemic then something is wrong there. You can get replacements for meat easily but a lot of these replacements imitate meat. Which is kind of messed up. You want to eat something that imitates cooked flesh...nasty! I've heard some vegetarians say that because of the way farmers and butchers process meat, there may be a little bit of the animal's poo in the packaging. Well if you haven't noticed most plants we eat thrive from fertilizer.
Make sure what you're reading is neutral about the subject of meat, vegetarianism or veganisim because if they aren't they could just be trying to promote their company. I've read university studies that indicate meat contains chemicals that make you smarter, have a quicker reaction time and a stronger immune system. I'm not saying vegans are the enemy, I just think we should have a balanced diet, low in trans and saturated fat and live healthy lives without bitching about peoples poor morals when everyones a hypocrite.
There are terrible things happening in North America and around the globe that effect not only animals but people and the environment. Most people focus on the little things when we should be looking at how to fix the BIG problems. I should apologise for saying I don't like vegetarians earlier in the Blog. What I should have said was I don't like it when people discriminate others for the way they live. Not all meat eaters eat at McDonald's and die at 60 from heart disease and obesity. Not all vegetarians eat tofu and go to nudist colonies. So lets all get along so we can work on building colonies on the moon for when the earth is no longer habitable.
Oh, and check out my cute poke at vegetarians on a shirt I made called Veggie Murder!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I'm a Hypocrite ...and so are you!!
I'm a hypocrite because I think people should be kind to animals as well as other people and the enviroment because we're smart enough to do so. however I hate Vegetarians. They ruin my fun. They ruin the fact that I love fried chicken. They make me think of the fried chicken as an animal that lived and breathed. I certainly wouldn't want to be eaten. That's a terrible thought. So I think mabey the vege eaters are right. Mabey we should stop eating meat. We don't really need to. We need iron and can get it from certian plants like beans and spinich. I think we crave meat becuase we evolved from apes that had fangs and hunted. They weren't very successful at it so.... They also scare the shit out of me. I like being near the top of the food chain. (I hate it when people say we're on the top of the food chain. If we were on top we wouldn't get eaten by sharks, lions, crockodiles...)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Are we so different?
Yesterday, while in the shower listening to my Radiomate, Queen Latifah's Georgia Rose was playing on the CBC. The chorus went "don't be blue cause you're Black Georgia Rose". It brought me back to my younger days when I was in high school and got teased all the time for being so pale. Everyone said I should get a tan. But I didn't care and I still had boyfriends. So it must not have really mattered that much. As I was stepping out of the tub I began to wonder why we refer to ourselves as "higher beings". We still can't seem to set aside the little tiny insignificant differences we have, like color, race and religion. There are millions of colors to the human eye and we're all different colors. I'm not white, I'm a light pink with freckles. You're not black, you're a brownish color. And it's not like our whole body is that one color. So why do we label ourselves and make it like if you have a slight difference you're a whole other species.
Another thing that I find ridiculous is that the wealthy still need an abundant supply of the poor. And they're still declaring war on whoever has what they want. There are some people that are unfathomly rich while others are unfathomly poor. People shouldn't have that kind of power. Ever since civilizations first began there has been war, slavery, poverty, greed etc. Those characterisics in the human race haven't left us at all. Even in the most "developed" countries. The United States of America is one of these places that will refer to itself as developed... But if you ask me it's still a nation in progress as long as there is war and capitalism. It reminds me of monkey's fighting over territory and food. Human beings still have all the traits of Animals. We mate, eat, crap, kill, steal, ...
If we can set aside our differences, which should be simple (it really should), and work together we could make our planet a utopia for all living things. But for now the earth is a utopia for the wealthy. It's up to the people to change the way we live. But we need leaders to make law and the law seems to favor the wealthy. (ie. if you commit a crime and can afford a damn good lawyer and money for bail you could get away with murder... OJ Simpson). We, the people need to come together and take back our lives and stop focusing on this little differences. We're growing more depressed and anxious with every passing year because of all the hatred and discrimination and lack of money to pay bills. We want better jobs, a less narcissistic society, better education, health care, safety. It's not going to happen by itself. It certainly isn't going to come from any politicion, you should know that by now. If we worked together instead of against each other we would live in better comunities with less crime, but until then our education is getting worse, people are getting gullable and listen to whatever their told, everyone is in debt and people in power will keep telling you to hate those who are different just in case they need to declare war to get what they want and you'll have to join the army because you're poor and too stupid to get an education or you need to pay off your loans. The army pays well. They say that war is good for the economy. It never really worked out for Germany though, even though they gave us a good run for the money. Oh, well, perhaps the U.S. will have better luck in the middle east...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hi Everyone!!
I'm new to this whole blog world, so please bear with me! I am a shy art student and I paint and draw whenever I can. I plan to discuss art and being an artist in my blog, but for now I'll just leave this as my introduction. Hope you are interested by what I have to say! Bye for now!