Thursday, December 24, 2009

Love And Creativity

"Happiness is a physiological process which is related to creativity. The happiness that comes from having your love returned is like a chemical elixir, pumping endorphins and other hormones through the brain, keeping neurons firing at top capacity. Neurons work with information, and the memories that are forming during the course of a good relationship are very strong creative enhancers. Ever wondered why it takes so long to get "over" a long-term relationship? That's the depth of the neurological involvement showing its less-than-lovely side. As long as the relationship continues, however, that neurological development goes on at many different levels. We know that newborn babies who are unloved or separated from family because of illness or other misfortune suffer a low rate of neurological growth. Some mental processes, such as empathy, do not ever reach full development in the absence of maternal love in the first six months of life. Empathy, for example, is a prime ingredient in the writing of a great novel or short story. A fiction author cannot create compelling stories without being able to step into the shoes, minds and heart of their characters. This ability is called empathy. While the brain chemicals involved in "falling in love" have been equated with those of mental illness, the brain adjusts after a period of time and begins to rise on the curve again. If a new relationship lasts more than two years and remains healthy, it will begin to deepen sharply. This deepening can be measured physiologically as being a major factor in developing creativity"

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
- Charels Darwin

There are people that like to say that enlightenment is bullshit. It doesn't pay the bills. Neither does love and happyness. But if you have to seperate your self from all these great things to make money, isn't paying the bills bull shit?
Not that you needed to see more of this kind of thing but...\par

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