Friday, October 24, 2008

Multi-tasking Is Making You Sick

In our ADD society is full of work and distractions, time management is a necessity. Multi tasking is the only way to get things done. But does it really help us? Or does it help corporations rake in more money at the end of the day. Time is money, as they say.
The more tasks we try to do at once, the worse the results will be. Jobs are always done better when you focus your whole attention to them. For instance, lets say you want to make a fancy dinner. Do you do make good food while watching TV and talking on the phone, as well as finishing up some paper work? Or do you do a better job when you take your time and give your full attention.

We often try to drug ourselves to keep up with the fast pace of everyday life. It can be very overwhelming. The anxiety can really take its toll on our mental and physical health. You worry about how you're going to pay the bills, which makes it hard to dose off, so you take sleeping pills. You feel tired all day so you consume large quantities of caffeine. Then when you feel edgy from the stress there is the anti depressant/anxiety medication. (A more recreational form of this is Alcohol or marijuana) When it's hard to concentrate because your mind is trying to focus on a million things at once there's ADD drug therapy.

It's a drug crazed pattern that's easy to get into because we all want a quick fix. But like all instant gratification, once it wears off you fell empty and you need twice as much the second time round.

The easiest solution to this problem is to look at what's causing these symptoms in the first place. Don't let a company tell you that there's something wrong with you, that can only a magic pill can fix. The problem isn't you, it's the corrupt world we live in. You need rest. You can't do a perfect job when your focusing on ten other things. Human beings are not machines. If we are tired we need sleep, not pills. If we're panicked and rushed we need to slow down; not take pills so we can speed up.

If you are a person who just can't seem to keep up, please don't drug your self. Talk to someone experienced who doesn't get kick backs from the drug companies for pushing drugs. Your therapist should be your life coach, not your drug dealer!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

ADD drugs are killing your kids

Does your child have trouble with fitting in? Do they act up in class? Do they find it hard to do mundane boring school work chained to a desk for 6 hours a day? Are they bursting with energy? The solution is to Drug 'em!!!

Millions of people have been miss diagnosed with the bullshit disease, ADD or ADHD. Millions more are to come. Are we all sick in the head? How did this happen to us? Doctors don't even know. They don't know what starts it. They don't know what it is. They can't do any testing on you to find out if ADD is really the case. And yet they know how to treat it. Many doctors will push drugs onto you these days without looking for the real problem. They often get kick backs from the pharmaceutical companies to do so. Their only human you know. People would often have more money then less.

Why do so many of us have ADD? Other then the fact that bullshit makes drug companies money, lets look at the symptoms.
Hard time focusing, starting tasks but never finishing them, a feeling of restlessness, over organizing things. Sound like you. Well it should. We as human beings are not machines. We're imperfect. We don't like to be bored. Boredom usually brings about these symptoms. They should start callin BD instead. Boredom disease.

It's the school systems that need changing. You've got kids of all kinds, squished into one classroom. Years ago, kids with energy would work at an early age and wear themselves out. Now adventurous kids need a full education to get a decent job. they're also inside playing video games. Also, some kids think with the right side of their brains. Which means they're more creative and emotional then most people. But the school systems are set up for logical, organized, mathematical kids. Anyone who doesn't fit into this system shouldn't be drugged. They should try an alternative education.

I read in a fashion magazine, that ADD sufferers (adults and children with energy) are more likely to grow up and be alcoholics, gamblers, divorcees etc.
So you better get drugged by pharmaceutical companies or it's the bottle for you. (Fashion magazines aren't that great for reading material, but they sure do make great kindling for a fire.)

The writer in the magazine went on to say that people in the past may have had ADD as well. Like Da Vinci and Thomas Edison. That might have been the reason behind their eccentric behavior and starting things without finishing them. Or maybe Da Vinci found it difficult to invent the airplane in the 16th century by himself. If these mad scientists were on Ritalin a drug which represses the chemical dopamine in the brain, (gives people energy), they would be to doped up to invent anything.

Just because some poeople aren't productive over achievers doesn't mean there diseased. You can't fix everything with a magic pill.

If your kid is rolling around on the carpet yelling and screaming for your attention, don't drug them. Play with them outside at least. See what they're like after wearing themselves out.