Yesterday a twin-engine plane crashed in southeastern Utah in the western United States, killing all 10 people on board. About % 50 of air plane crashes are caused by human error. At least that's what the companies that design the air craft say. They of course wouldn't want to admit that the tragic results came from technical difficulties. I hope that with the recent misfortune of mass layoffs due to high fuel prices, the employee's of such places will fare well. Thousands of employee's have already been let go. Hopefully those who are remaining won't be over worked and make mistakes. In unrelated news, have you heard about this one yet?
" BUCHAREST, Romania - A court has ordered a Romanian surgeon to pay $795,000 in compensation to a patient whose penis he accidentally severed during an operation. In July 2004, Dr. Naum Ciomu made a surgical error while operating on the man's testicles, severing the penis instead of making an incision to the testicle. The Bucharest Magistrates Court ruled that Ciomu had been "superficial" in his approach to the operation, ordered the fine and handed Ciomu a one-year suspended prison sentence. The ruling can be appealed. A piece of muscle from the man's arm has now been attached to where his penis was, but its function is aesthetic. The victim's lawyer said you don't have to be an expert to realize that the 33-year-old victim isn't in a good state of mind. "
Scary stuff.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another plane crash
Saturday, August 16, 2008
over worked and underpaid with no vacation in sight
Well by now pretty much every North American has a shit job. The few people that have nice jobs are working for the government or they have already known someone that works in the same area. Those people don't work enough. Some banks close at 3:00. The government has been talking about giving its employees even more time off.
The average person in today's economy is lucky if they can get one day off a week. On top of that, most people don't keep their job for longer then six months to four years before moving on to the next shitty job.
Let's not forget all the outsourcing to poorer countries. Nothing is made in our own country anymore. It's all assembled in Mexico or China. In my town they are going to get a bunch of Mexicans to do training at the local factory and then go back to Mexico. I have no idea why.
I'm really too tired to do any research regarding this matter but I'm sure that we are all doomed. The ultra rich conservative bastards of the world want it to play out like this: The slaves in the poorer nations will assemble the goods and not complain about the long hard hours and low pay. The slaves in North America will sell the goods. The Ultra rich will buy up everything there is to buy and the very few will dominate the world.
People can't rebel these days because technology is too advanced. In the good old days people would gather their young and strong and rebel against the colonies. But since it's not about riding on horse back with a rifle or going to sea with canons, we're all fucked. They have satallites and earth X- rays and big fuckin bombs. Nations or the populice that rebel from such tragedies as the corruption of Governments and Corporations could disapear with the push of a button. So yeah. That's why nothing will change it will only get worse.
The ultra rich will continue to damage the earth and get what they want out of it, and then colonate mars, where they will have further power over us earthlings. Because they could live on a lush new planet while we're desparate to have clean air, so we will have no choice but to work for them long hours to afford our expensive oxygen masks here on our Earth loaded full of carbon monoxide and countless other poisons. Earth, the new ghetto of the galaxy...
I'll bet you $100000.00 ( What 10.00 will be then) that's is what's gonna happen around 2060. If they keep seniors around by that time. The government doesn't seem to take a liking to them now.
My parents came to visit the other day and it seemed like they were so tired and worn out. They wanted to have fun and have a BBQ but even recreation seems like work when you can never take time off.
Didn't have much to have to say about our dying world tonight. I'ts 1:23 am here and I'm tired from working all day. I'm exhausted. Too tired to correct my spelling.